Oak Processionary Moth

OPM Experience

G&T Experience 2010

Kew monitored egg plaque for regional emergence (19th April).

Within 2 weeks of emergence preventative foliage spray of DiPel on all infected trees from 2009.

L3 found with FC on LBE trees 13th May.

Deltamethrin applied to scaffold branches on all 2009 trees.

External pesticide specialist used for Deltamethrine spray.

Sprayed 19 public trees. Only 1 nest developed on these.

Nest removed by vacuum on 12 public trees and 26 private trees.

Vacuum next removal carried out on A406 North Circular.

Trip to Holland to meet with Henry Kuppen

Trapping with Dutch and FC traps.

Oak Processionary Moth - 2010 Activity

Oak Processionary Moth - 2010 Activity